At the Ghosts, we play online ARMA and ARMA II, simply the best tactical shooter games available for the PC.With huge maps, we use real life tactics to get the job done!. Everything is useable, vehicles, armour, aircraft, boats, and all types of weapons. Realistic weapon dynamics, and amazing sounds and visuals. There's even a complex medical system to help keep you alive.

Contact us if you want to know more.


If you get into an overwhelming Hot zone, retreat using cover/bounding techniques, to a safe area for a regroup.
Teamspeak 3 Official comms for Ghosts
Sunday, 27 December 2009 15:46

After a long and anxious wait, Teamspeak 3 is here. Sound quality is significantly improved over TS2, and there's lots of other goodies there.

Arma II 1.05 patch released
Saturday, 26 December 2009 19:59

Finally, 1.04 has come out of beta, with the final 105 patch released. And it has got some goddies including a new AH64D Apache 2 seater attack chopper, and a new campaign, featuring this bird.

Ghosts server updated
Saturday, 05 December 2009 16:45
Finally the ghosts server is on a cat 5 connection to the router. see all the details in the Forum
ARMA2 Gets a Linux server
Saturday, 05 December 2009 16:33

BI have just released a beta of their ARMA2 server for linux. This is a real breakthrough for the gaming community, as it eliminates the need for expensive windows' servers to run arma as a service. The cost of dedicated, or even shared linux servers is significantly better than the windows versions. 

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